About the smallcase

Watch Detail video for the concept Remember concept of ETF is new so some time they are not available at market price, placing limit order can solve this .

If you understand the Business Cycle, the markets are very emotional and reacts very fast to the emotions of Greed and Fear and this gives rise to swings.

As the name of this smallcase suggests, the emotions are short lived and swings are for short time, so we target to Buy Fear and Sell Greed.

With this in mind, I suggest my clients to take entry in stocks near low looking opportunities for weekly SIP and identify the points where there can be a possible exit to book partial or complete profit.

My focus is to make you update with the trend and you have an opportunity to join my Webinar and trend updates on your whatsapp when you opt for it .

We make a whatsapp broadcast group and your no. if you wish to join for the updates for trend and market possible behavior.

Read more about Swing Trade Opportunities Short term Target Date

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