About the smallcase
This portfolio aims to generate long-term capital appreciation by investing in mis-priced stocks facing special situations. The mis-pricing of stocks can occur due to companies facing special situations like Corporate action (M&A, Delisting, Demerger, Reverse Merger etc), regulatory/policy changes, management restructuring, Technology led disruption and new theme-based innovation or any temporary challenges in the working environment.
The portfolio, consisting of 15-20 stocks is divided into three major themes: (a) Event based situations which are short term (time frame : 3-12 months) (b) Strong Sectoral shifts and dynamics (time frame: 12-24 months) and (c) Disruption due to new emerging themes (time frame : over 24 months).
The portfolio rebalance is done as and when required. The portfolio may maintain positions in interest bearing instruments like LIQUIDBEES in the absence of any clear investment opportunities pertaining to special situation themes.
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