About the smallcase

Mi NNF10 is a dynamic strategy which aims to outperform the underlying benchmark Nifty Next 50. These are the 50 large caps which have potential to enter Nifty at some point. This product is suitable for use in all stages of the market cycles as its design is to remain invested in the strongest 10 stocks in the pack regardless of market conditions

  • This portfolio consists of 10 stocks selected from the Nifty Next 50 universe
  • All stocks start at near 10% weightage of the entire portfolio
  • The stocks are selected based on the momentum ranking and every month a rebalance ensures that the strongest of the pack remains in the portfolio. This is akin to the concept of survival of the fittest.
  • Winners are allowed to run while losers are removed at the next balance if they meet the exit criterion.
  • The historical performance of this portfolio has beaten the benchmark by a wide margin
  • This is a monthly rebalanced portfolio. This helps in keeping the churn and the transaction costs low.
  • There is zero discretion of the manager in running this portfolio. The strategies have been rigorously back tested on years of data to prove their efficacy.
  • This is one of the more popular products at Weekendinvesting.
  • The optimal size for investing in this portfolio is INR 5 to 30 lacs

A complete video on the Mi_NNF10 can be seen here


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Read more about MI_NNF10 Momentum Model

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