About the smallcase

Carefully designed basket with "EDGE" framework with detailed fundamental research to select emerging high growth businesses with strong business models across mid and small cap majorly


  • To invest in consistent performing companies of good quality and aspire to provide attractive outperformance over long periods
  • Companies with strong outlook of long term superior growth and RoCE and consistency over volatility


E             D            G            E


This framework is backed by detailed fundamental research and backtested for past 20+ years and outperformed ~80% of the times.

•”E” = Earnings Quality –

  • 15% (or higher) operating profit growth and 15% (or higher) ROCE
  • High conversion of EBITDA to OCF
  • Low leverage(<2x)

•”D” = Deep dive research

  • Size of opportunity
  • Competitive advantage
  • Scalability

•”G” - Governance –

  • Accounting quality and forensics
  • Capital allocation
  • Board composition
  • ESG
  • Dividend policy

•”E” - Execution –

  • Past track record of promise vs delivery


This provides best of two worlds-


High Quality – provides stability


High Opportunity – provides growth

Disclaimer: Investing in securities are subject to market risks. Past performance is not an indicator of the future performance. This material should not be construed as a recommendation or solicitation to invest in securities. Investors should independently read the related documents, consider all the risk factors and seek professional, financial, tax and legal advice before investing

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