Research-focused investment advisory.
Research-focused investment advisory.
Piyush Sarawagi, CFA
7+ Years experience
Piyush is the Founder and CIO at YellowJersey Investments Advisors. He is a CFA(US) charter holder and an economics (Hons) graduate from Mithibai College, Mumbai University. After working in the finance industry as a buy-side research analyst, and from the experience of others, he has devised his own investment framework and philosophy called the 5G Strategy. Today, 5G strategy stands as the key selection and elimination metric for investment decisions at YellowJersey.
Piyush is the Founder and CIO at YellowJersey Investments Advisors. He is a CFA(US) charter holder and an economics (Hons) graduate from Mithibai College, Mumbai University. After working in the finance industry as a buy-side research analyst, and from the experience of others, he has devised his own investment framework and philosophy called the 5G Strategy. Today, 5G strategy stands as the key selection and elimination metric for investment decisions at YellowJersey.
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