MRG Capital

SEBI Registration No: INP000006253

The fundamental tenet of MRG Capital is rooted to protect and grow capital over a period of time rather than a relentless and insatiable need to outperform other funds or indices.

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MRG Capital

SEBI reg. No: INP000006253

The fundamental tenet of MRG Capital is rooted to protect and grow capital over a period of time rather than a relentless and insatiable need to outperform other funds or indices.

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Managed by

Manu Rishi Guptha

Manu Rishi Guptha

25+ years experience

Manu started investing not by choice but under compulsion to augment money for his education and to support family. This necessity evolved into a hobby and now eventually into a profession. He has been investing for a host of Friends and Families over the last two decades. Manu Firmly believes that any portfolio manager claiming to beat the Buffet Hurdle of approx. 20% should have become more successful than Warren Buffet himself. The fundamental tenet of MRG Capital is rooted to protect and grow capital over a period of time rather than a relentless and insatiable need to outperform other funds or indices.

He is an active blogger and writes on leadership, finance and philosophy. He also actively contributes on The Huffington Post.

For the record he is an MBA in Finance with ‘The Best MBA Citizen’ award from Warwick Business School, UK.

Manu started investing not by choice but under compulsion to augment money for his education and to support family. This necessity evolved into a hobby and now eventually into a profession. He has been investing for a host of Friends and Families over the last two decades. Manu Firmly believes that any portfolio manager claiming to beat the Buffet Hurdle of approx. 20% should have become more successful than Warren Buffet himself. The fundamental tenet of MRG Capital is rooted to protect and grow capital over a period of time rather than a relentless and insatiable need to outperform other funds or indices.

He is an active blogger and writes on leadership, finance and philosophy. He also actively contributes on The Huffington Post.

For the record he is an MBA in Finance with ‘The Best MBA Citizen’ award from Warwick Business School, UK.

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