About the smallcase


This strategy is for long term nature. Horizon for this strategy is about 5 to 10 years.

If anyone wants quick money in the short term then this strategy is not suitable for you. As Warren buffet rightly says "You can't produce a baby in 1 month by getting nine women pregnant".

This strategy gives a combination of quality Mid and Small Cap stocks primarily based on growth parameters.


·        Diversified portfolio of ~ 15-25 stocks

·        Value + Growth + Technical Strategy

·        Equal Weighted to start with and every time we remove or add a stock we rebalance it to equal weight

This small case Strategy is structured to be long-term in nature and it is highly recommended only for subscribers who have an investment horizon of at least 5 to 10 years. H2 INVESTMENT MANAGERS will always prioritize longevity of healthy returns over short-term high returns.

We suggest a minimum investment > 3 lakhs in this small case portfolio (lump sum or over a period) for the fees to make economic sense.

The focus is to create long-term wealth for subscribers. We will focus a lot on behavioral aspects of investing and focus on process.

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