Home Star Investors Akash Bhanshali Portfolio Analysis

Akash Bhanshali Portfolio Analysis

Akash Bhanshali Portfolio Analysis

When we think of investing in stocks, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of numbers, charts, and complex strategies. But sometimes, all it takes is a closer look at the success stories of seasoned investors to spark an idea. Akash Bhanshali is one such name that inspires both seasoned investors and beginners. He has a knack for knowing exactly where to look. With a keen eye for opportunities and a disciplined approach, he’s built a portfolio that speaks for itself.

In this blog, we’ll explore Akash Bhanshali portfolio, breaking down the sectors and stocks that have caught his attention. Whether you’re just starting your investment journey or looking for fresh insights, his approach offers something valuable for everyone.

Top Stocks in Akash Bhanshali Portfolio To Invest In

symbol Company ticker slug Sector Market Price 52W High 52W Low Market Cap (Cr.) PE Ratio Industry PE PB Ratio Div. Yield (%) ROE (%) 1YReturns 3YReturns 5YReturns Market Cap Label Industry Group Industry Sub Industry percentageChange
AMBE Amber Enterprises India Ltd AMBER /stocks/amber-enterprises-india-AMBE Home Electronics & Appliances 6,365.50 8,177.00 2,992.50 21,467.85 161.55 33.13 10.14 0.00 6.53 91.00 76.50 419.74 Smallcap Consumer Durables & Apparel Household Durables Household Appliances -2.41
ARVF Arvind Fashions Ltd ARVINDFASN /stocks/arvind-fashions-ARVF Textiles 375.15 639.70 364.00 4,985.33 61.82 33.13 4.18 0.33 7.06 -17.06 41.46 57.56 Smallcap Consumer Discretionary Distribution & Retail Textiles, Apparel & Luxury Goods Apparel Retail -3.10
DIBL Dilip Buildcon Ltd DBL /stocks/dilip-buildcon-DIBL Construction & Engineering 438.05 588.00 341.15 6,386.35 32.92 38.93 1.46 0.23 4.63 6.82 69.33 60.31 Smallcap Capital Goods Construction & Engineering Construction & Engineering -0.90
GEEN Greenlam Industries Ltd GREENLAM /stocks/greenlam-industries-GEEN Building Products - Laminates 467.30 662.00 431.00 5,944.22 42.95 38.93 5.52 0.35 13.60 -0.46 27.21 236.91 Smallcap Capital Goods Building Products Building Products -0.57
GEOE Genus Power Infrastructures Ltd GENUSPOWER /stocks/genus-power-infrastructures-GEOE Electronic Equipments 243.20 486.05 204.50 7,370.07 85.04 29.49 4.69 0.28 6.79 8.55 283.60 1,274.01 Smallcap Technology Hardware & Equipment Electronic Equipment, Instruments & Components Electronic Equipment & Instruments -1.40
GRAN Granules India Ltd GRANULES /stocks/granules-india-GRAN Pharmaceuticals 470.65 721.00 389.35 11,379.83 28.08 46.84 3.53 0.32 13.38 11.48 55.41 209.43 Smallcap Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals -1.12
GUJL Gujarat Fluorochemicals Ltd FLUOROCHEM /stocks/gujarat-fluorochemicals-GUJL Specialty Chemicals 3,840.05 4,880.95 2,476.00 42,060.49 96.70 27.65 7.09 0.08 7.59 16.69 38.93 953.08 Midcap Materials Chemicals Specialty Chemicals -0.02
IWE Inox Wind Energy Ltd IWEL /stocks/inox-wind-energy-IWE Heavy Electrical Equipments 8,590.65 13,900.00 4,981.00 10,319.60 -152.88 38.93 3.04 0.00 -2.36 58.12 1,179.04 4,215.83 Smallcap Capital Goods Electrical Equipment Heavy Electrical Equipment 0.88
LAUL Laurus Labs Ltd LAURUSLABS /stocks/laurus-labs-LAUL Pharmaceuticals 574.05 646.20 373.10 30,865.92 192.25 46.84 7.50 0.14 3.93 43.30 -0.88 659.33 Midcap Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals -1.76
NATP Natco Pharma Ltd NATCOPHARM /stocks/natco-pharma-NATP Pharmaceuticals 780.85 1,639.00 757.05 13,945.19 10.04 46.84 2.38 1.22 25.88 -20.11 -6.64 39.24 Smallcap Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals -0.39
PAY One 97 Communications Ltd PAYTM /stocks/one-97-communications-PAY Online Services 682.85 1,062.95 310.00 43,422.49 -30.64 -118.07 3.27 0.00 -10.78 84.21 15.26 -56.25 Midcap Financial Services Interactive Media & Services Transaction & Payment Processing Services -2.73
PRAX Praxis Home Retail Ltd PRAXIS /stocks/praxis-home-retail-PRAX Home Furnishing 12.66 27.82 11.15 170.69 -1.99 33.13 -3.95 0.00 0.00 -31.01 -69.93 -51.21 Smallcap Consumer Discretionary Distribution & Retail Household Durables Homefurnishing Retail 1.36
RKFO Ramkrishna Forgings Ltd RKFORGE /stocks/ramkrishna-forgings-RKFO Rail 686.10 1,064.05 602.05 12,384.45 36.27 38.93 4.61 0.29 17.05 10.88 277.39 1,756.83 Smallcap Materials Machinery Steel 0.11
SDCH Sudarshan Chemical Industries Ltd SUDARSCHEM /stocks/sudarshan-chemical-industries-SDCH Diversified Chemicals 957.90 1,234.45 535.15 7,504.65 20.99 27.65 6.53 0.42 36.16 67.51 76.43 148.42 Smallcap Materials Chemicals Diversified Chemicals -2.24
SEIN Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd SCHNEIDER /stocks/schneider-electric-infrastructure-SEIN Heavy Electrical Equipments 607.90 980.00 568.00 14,492.94 84.25 38.93 31.02 0.00 44.35 -3.51 460.79 739.06 Smallcap Capital Goods Electrical Equipment Electrical Components & Equipment 0.57
SHME Shilpa Medicare Ltd SHILPAMED /stocks/shilpa-medicare-SHME Pharmaceuticals 628.55 959.50 397.95 6,128.80 192.31 46.84 3.40 0.00 1.78 43.05 48.44 77.73 Smallcap Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology & Life Sciences Pharmaceuticals Pharmaceuticals -2.55
WGSR Welspun Corp Ltd WELCORP /stocks/welspun-corp-WGSR Iron & Steel 810.10 842.95 440.15 21,184.22 19.08 27.65 3.68 0.62 20.92 58.78 450.71 812.27 Smallcap Materials Metals & Mining Steel -1.26
ZSAR Saraswati Commercial (India) Ltd ZSARACOM /stocks/saraswati-commercial-india-ZSAR Specialized Finance 13,211.10 27,775.00 4,813.45 1,356.70 13.06 16.32 1.93 0.00 18.18 102.10 303.85 12,980.30 Smallcap Financial Services Diversified Financial Services Investment Banking & Brokerage -2.00

Note: The data on the Akash Bhanshali Portfolio is dynamic and subject to change.

Who is Akash Bhanshali?

Akasha Bhanshali serves as the principal owner of Enam Group, a well-known investment house in India, where he leads the principal investment unit. His role involves identifying and nurturing mid-sized businesses with high growth potential by providing them with both capital and strategic guidance. He also holds a position on the board of Auxilo Finserve, further emphasising his influence in the financial sector.

Mr. Bhanshali holds a Master’s degree in Commerce and is a qualified Chartered Accountant, providing him with a robust foundation in financial management. His expertise lies in combining financial acumen with strategic investments to foster growth. Over the years, he has successfully leveraged his education and extensive experience to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship and investment, making a mark as a trusted mentor and growth enabler in the business world.

By identifying promising companies and backing them with resources and expertise, Akash Bhanshali has significantly contributed to India’s financial and entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Akash Bhanshali Portfolio Sector Split Overview

SectorPercentage Allocation
Capital Goods – Electrical Equipment28.34%
E-Commerce/App based Aggregator9.59%
Castings, Forgings & Fasteners6.76%
Infrastructure Developers & Operators5.56%
Consumer Durables5.25%
Power Generation & Distribution4.03%

The largest portion of Akash Bhanshali portfolio is allocated to the Capital Goods – Electrical Equipment sector, comprising 28.34% of his investments. Heavy electrical and power equipment, earthmoving and mining machinery, and process plant equipment dominate India’s capital goods exports, contributing 85% of the total share. By 2025, the electrical equipment industry, including generation and T&D equipment, aims to achieve a market size of $100 bn. This significant allocation indicates a strong belief in the growth potential of this sector, which is often tied to infrastructure development and technological advancements.

With 9.59% invested in E-Commerce/App based Aggregators, Mr. Bhanshali is tapping into the growing digital economy, reflecting a strategic positioning towards sectors that leverage technology for consumer engagement and service delivery.

Akash Bhanshali’s investments show a balanced approach with allocations in Chemicals (8.43%), Finance (6.53%), and Pharmaceuticals (5.16%), among others. This diversification helps mitigate risks associated with market volatility in any single sector. Investments in traditional sectors like Steel (3.46%) and Textiles (2.45%) indicate a recognition of their foundational role in the economy despite facing challenges from modern industries.

Akash Bhanshali Portfolio Analysis

Akash Bhanshali has 17 Active Stocks from a total of 20 Stocks owned: 

Stocks% ChangeSep 2024 Holdings%June 2024 Holdings %
Amber Enterprises India Ltd.0%1.481.48
Arvind Fashions Ltd.3.84
Natco Pharma Ltd.0%1.011.01
Saraswati Commercial (India) Ltd.0%1.021.02
Dilip Buildcon Ltd.0%1.181.18
Genus Power Infrastructures Ltd.0%1.191.19
One97 Communications Ltd.
Laurus Labs Ltd.0%1.331.33
Welspun Living Ltd.New1.44
Welspun Corp Ltd.-0.421.461.88
Shilpa Medicare Ltd.-0.091.551.64
Ramkrishna Forgings Ltd.0%2.242.24
Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd.-0.212.362.57
Greenlam Industries Ltd.0%2.452.45
Praxis Home Retail Ltd.0%3.173.17
Inox Wind Energy Ltd.0%3.743.74
Gujarat Fluorochemicals Ltd.0%4.754.75
Sudarshan Chemical Industries Ltd.0%8.18.1
Sterlite Technologies Ltd.
Granules India Ltd.1.1

Most of Akash Bhanshali’s stock holdings have remained unchanged between June 2024 and September 2024, showing his preference for a steady, long-term approach to investments. Stocks like Amber Enterprises, Natco Pharma, Saraswati Commercial, and Dilip Buildcon retained their allocations without any percentage change. 

Welspun Living Ltd.’s addition to the portfolio with a 1.44% allocation suggests Mr. Bhanshali’s interest in tapping into the growing demand in the textile industry and lifestyle products. This sector has seen robust growth in India due to rising disposable incomes, urbanisation, and a shift towards branded and sustainable home products. 

The slight reduction in the holdings of Welspun Corp Ltd. stocks could be due to profit booking after a run-up in the stock price in September. The reduction in Schneider Electric Infrastructure Ltd. might indicate concerns about short-term headwinds, such as supply chain disruptions or muted capex in certain industrial sectors.

Net Worth Trend of Akash Bhanshali Portfolio

As of now, Akash Bhanshali holds a portfolio of 20 stocks valued at over Rs. 6,926.41 Cr., with investments spread across sectors like cables, electrical equipment, and other miscellaneous industries. 

  • 2021: In March 2021, his net worth reached Rs. 829.42 cr., and by June 2021, it had jumped to Rs. 1,085.57 cr.—a 30% increase in just three months. By the end of 2021, his net worth was reported at Rs. 1,212.32 cr.
  • 2022: Mr. Bhanshali’s net worth surged dramatically in 2022. By March, it was Rs. 1,100.48 cr., but by June 2022, it soared to Rs. 2,696.89 cr.—a staggering growth of 145% within a single quarter. This increase reflects his successful investments in mid-cap stocks and his ability to capitalise on market opportunities.
  • 2023: Continuing this upward trend, as of January 2023, Bhanshali’s net worth was reported at Rs. 6,747.57 cr.
  • 2024: As of December 2024, Akash Bhanshali’s net worth is estimated to be around Rs. 6,934.5 cr.4. His portfolio includes investments in various sectors, such as retailing and finance, showcasing his strategic diversification.

Akash Bhanshali’s Record of Successful Investments

Pan Electronics India

Pan Electronics India Ltd specialises in the manufacturing of capacitors and electronic components, primarily serving the industrial and consumer electronics markets. The company’s financial performance reflects a niche market presence with relatively limited revenue streams compared to larger players.

Akash Bhanshali acquired a 2.50% stake in Pan Electronics India, which has shown impressive performance with over 70% returns year-to-date and 97% over the past year. This company specialises in manufacturing MPP films and high-quality capacitors, indicating his confidence in its growth potential in the electronics sector.

Natco Pharma

Natco Pharma Ltd is a leading pharmaceutical company known for its expertise in the production of oncology, generics, and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). The company boasts a robust portfolio, focusing on affordable medicines, particularly in the U.S. and Indian markets. 

In the June quarter of 2023, Mr. Bhanshali picked up a 1% stake in Natco Pharma, which has rallied over 35% in recent months. Natco is involved in developing and marketing pharmaceutical products, showcasing his focus on companies with strong fundamentals.

Praxis Home Retail

Praxis Home Retail Ltd operates in the home retail segment, offering a range of furniture, home decor, and improvement products. While revenue generation is seasonal and tied to consumer spending, the company is focused on expanding its footprint in India’s growing retail space.

He also acquired a 2.1% stake in Praxis Home Retail, although this stock has faced challenges with a decline of 32% so far in 2023. This investment demonstrates his willingness to explore microcap opportunities despite inherent risks.

Akash Bhanshali’s Investment Strategy

Akash Bhanshali’s investments follow a precise strategy driven by a few key principles:

  • Single Stock Per Sector Approach: He invests in only one company per sector, which allows him to focus on what he perceives as the strongest player in each industry, reducing complexity and potential conflicts within his portfolio.
  • Long-Term Growth Focus: Akash Bhanshali’s stocks reflect a long-term perspective, targeting sectors and companies that are poised for future growth rather than short-term gains.
  • Research-Driven Decisions: His strategy emphasises thorough research and analysis, ensuring that each investment aligns with his vision of sustainable growth and market leadership

Learnings from Akash Bhanshali Portfolio

Akash Bhanshali’s stocks portfolio is an insightful case study for investors seeking to understand effective investment strategies. Here are some key learnings derived from his investment philosophy and portfolio composition.

Diversification Across Sectors

By spreading investments across various sectors, he mitigates risks associated with market volatility. His portfolio includes significant allocations in sectors such as Capital Goods – Electrical Equipment (28.34%), E-Commerce (9.59%), and Chemicals (8.43%). This diverse sector exposure allows him to capitalise on the strengths of multiple industries while reducing dependence on any single sector.

Focus on Quality Over Quantity

A distinctive feature of Akash Bhanshali’s investments strategy is his “one sector, one company” rule. Unlike many investors who diversify within sectors, he selects only one leading company per sector. This approach reflects his confidence in identifying strong contenders and allows for a concentrated investment strategy prioritising quality over quantity. 

Long-Term Growth Perspective

Mr. Bhanshali adopts a long-term investment horizon, which is crucial for leveraging the benefits of compounding returns. His focus on high-quality companies with strong growth potential aligns with the principle that patience can yield substantial rewards over time.

Research-Driven Decision Making

He emphasises understanding companies’ intrinsic value and growth prospects before committing capital. This rigorous analytical approach ensures that his portfolio consists of fundamentally strong businesses capable of sustaining growth in the long run.

Emphasis on Emerging Trends

Akash Bhanshali portfolio reflects a keen eye for emerging trends and unique business opportunities. For instance, his investment in Greenlam Industries, which operates in a niche laminate market, showcases his willingness to explore under-penetrated sectors with significant growth potential. This forward-looking perspective allows him to position his investments advantageously in anticipation of future market developments.

Balanced Portfolio Management

Despite holding fewer stocks—typically under 20—he maintains a balanced approach that aligns with expert recommendations for effective portfolio diversification (10 to 30 stocks). This strategy balances concentration with diversification, allowing him to manage risk while still benefiting from potential high returns.

Support for Growth-Oriented Companies

Akash Bhanshali’s shares often comprise mid-sized companies that demonstrate potential for becoming market leaders with the right guidance and capital support. This focus not only enhances the growth trajectory of these businesses but also positions his portfolio for higher returns as these companies scale.

How to Invest in Akash Bhanshali Portfolio Stocks

Investing in Akash Bhanshali’s portfolio stocks requires a systematic approach. Here are the key steps:

  1. Choose the Right Platform: Opt for a reliable brokerage platform or Demat account to start your investments. Compare features like brokerage charges, ease of use, and availability of research tools to select the platform that aligns with your needs.
  2. Analyse Stock Performance: Conduct a detailed analysis of the historical performance, financial metrics, and growth potential of the stocks. Leverage tools like Tickertape Stock Screener to examine crucial factors such as earnings growth, debt-to-equity ratio, and management efficiency.
  3. Diversify Your Investments: Diversification is essential for managing risk. While Bhanshali’s portfolio can guide your strategy, ensure you invest across various sectors and industries based on your financial goals and risk appetite.
  4. Track Stock Updates: Regularly monitor company financial reports, sector trends, and market updates. Staying informed helps align your investments with evolving strategies and opportunities.

Benefits of Investing in Akash Bhanshali Stock Portfolio

  1. Exposure to High-Quality Stocks: Bhanshali’s portfolio often includes stocks with strong fundamentals and growth potential, offering investors a chance to align with proven strategies.
  2. Expert-Informed Decisions: Bhanshali’s track record as a seasoned investor allows you to follow a portfolio built on thorough research and market expertise.
  3. Diversification Opportunities: His portfolio typically spans multiple sectors, providing a balanced investment approach and reducing the impact of sector-specific risks.
  4. Educational Value: Studying Bhanshali’s investment choices and strategies can enhance your understanding of stock selection, sector analysis, and timing.

Challenges of Investing in Akash Bhanshali Portfolio

  1. Market Volatility: Many stocks in Bhanshali’s portfolio may belong to mid-cap or small-cap categories, which are more susceptible to market fluctuations.
  2. Delayed Access to Updates: Changes in the portfolio are usually disclosed with a time lag, potentially reducing the advantage of timely investment decisions.
  3. Need for In-Depth Analysis: While following his portfolio provides insights, investors still need to perform independent research to align with their personal financial goals.
  4. Mismatch of Risk Tolerance: Bhanshali’s strategies may cater to a higher risk-reward ratio, which might not suit conservative investors or those with limited market experience.

To Wrap It Up

Akash Bhanshali’s stocks portfolio provides a clear example of how a thoughtful and patient approach to investing can pay off. His strategy focuses on spreading investments across different sectors while prioritising strong, reliable companies. This balance helps him manage risks while still aiming for good returns over time. For anyone looking to improve their own investment strategies, there are valuable takeaways from Bhanshali’s approach.

FAQs About Akash Bhanshali

How many stocks does the current Akash Bhanshali portfolio hold?

According to the most recent corporate shareholding disclosures, Akash Bhanshali portfolio consists of 20 stocks, with a total net worth exceeding Rs. 6,746.45 cr.​

What sectors does Akash Bhanshali invest in?

Akash Bhanshali focuses on diverse sectors such as textiles, apparel, banking, finance, and chemicals. He is known for his strategic focus on unique or niche markets.​

How does focusing on mid-sized companies affect Bhanshali’s overall investment performance?

This strategy allows him to tap into significant growth potential, as these firms often can expand and increase profitability rapidly. This strategy enhances his overall investment performance through potentially higher returns and helps manage risk by diversifying his portfolio across various sectors.

How has Akash Bhanshali’s net worth grown over the years?

Akash Bhanshali’s net worth has seen remarkable growth from around Rs. 538.2 cr. in early 2020 to approximately Rs. 6,934.5 cr. by late 2024.

How does Akash Bhanshali’s investment style set him apart from other investors?

Akash Bhanshali’s investment style sets him apart from other investors through his unique approach of adhering to a strict “one sector, one company” rule, emphasising quality over quantity. Bhanshali strategically identifies promising businesses that show potential for growth and market leadership.

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