About the smallcase

Looking for long-term wealth creation? You need a core portfolio with 3 key elements: (i) Optimum diversification, (ii) Low cost, and (iii) Superior risk-adjusted returns. 

Your eggs in different baskets. Diversifying your investments means you can maximise returns while minimising risk. This portfolio invests your money across multiple asset classes using Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). 

Costs a fraction of the cost of other options. The more you pay for getting your money managed, the less you end up with for yourself.

We use Noble Prize-winning research to craft diversified portfolios using a passive investing approach. No blindly chasing hot stocks and risky investments. Simply tracking the market to reliably grow your money over the long term. 

Appropriate for investors with a low risk appetite. Safe investments with a lot of downside protection, and just a dash of high-risk-high-return allocation.

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