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Green Portfolio
Wealth Creation through a strong fundamental research and disciplined investing. Top performing research house!
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Invest in stocks that will benefit from Aatma Nirbhar Bharat theme!
Starts from ₹2360 for 3mAdd to your watchlist
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Invest in High Dividend Yield and Growth Stocks
Starts from ₹2360 for 3mAdd to your watchlist
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Invest in smallcap stocks which can generate multifold returns.
Starts from ₹2360 for 3mAdd to your watchlist
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The best of defense, railway, and green energy companies in the portfolio that grows with India.
Starts from ₹2360 for 3mAdd to your watchlist
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Invest in the top stocks from the NIFTY 50 index
Starts from ₹1770 for 3mAdd to your watchlist
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Invest in India's best MNC companies for global growth.
Starts from ₹1770 for 3mAdd to your watchlist
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Invest in India's booming pharma sector, where cost efficiency meets global export dominance.
Starts from ₹2360 for 3mAdd to your watchlist
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Capturing India’s automotive boom through rising stars and key suppliers.
Starts from ₹2360 for 3mAdd to your watchlist
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ESG focused fund for long term sustainable wealth creation
Starts from ₹2360 for 3mAdd to your watchlist