The Good Bad and Ugly weekly review : 24 Sep 2021

Performance Update
Rebalance Update

The performance for the week and the month for all the smallcases is presented below.

How to pick the right WeekendInvesting strategy
Kindly watch the below video to understand the compartmentalization of all WeekendInvesting strategies based on their market cap universe.
Large & Mid Cap Strategies – Performance

Mid & Smallcap Strategies – Performance

Smallcap Based Strategies

All Cap Based Strategies – Performance

The WeekendInvesting HUB
The Weekendinvesting HUB hosts every single detail of all the products and also has a daily update of their performances. The key features here are the LIVE current drawdown stat that can help you to add or reduce capital if you are trying to play an active manager with the the strategy. We have also incorporated the monthly – quarterly – yearly returns metric that can be quite helpful if you want to compare performances of different WeekendInvesting products and benchmark indices. We also update the HUB with our video based content compartmentalized based on their genre which can be immensely useful. We have also added another column for support articles. We would request all of you to go through all of the links given there to strengthen your understanding about both WeekendInvesting and Smallcase ecosystem.
WeekendInvesting Products – LIVE Index Data
Many of you had asked us to make the index series of all WeekendInvesting Products available so that you could perform your own analysis and studies. You can find a link to the LIVE sheet here and also on the HUB under support column in the content tab. We will enhance this sheet with more analytics as we go forward.
WeekendInvesting Products – Monthly – Quarterly – Yearly Returns
We have created new tabs in the HUB which track the monthly , quarterly & annual returns of all WeekendInvesting products segregated based on their market cap universe & compared to their respective benchmark indices. We have colored the backtest data in black while the real data is denoted in Blue. Please head to the HUB (monthly / quarterly / annual returns tab) to have a look and write to us should you have any questions.

WeekendInvesting Telegram and YouTube Channel
We post daily content related to investing on our Weekendinvesting Telegram Channel and YouTube channel to help our community take stock of the performance of markets, sectors & our products and touch base upon a new topic every day. We look forward to having you all there.! The several videos in this blog are from this series.
You may also watch the previous rounds of #askweekendinvesting here – Round 1 , Round 2 , Round 3 , Round 4 , Round 5 , Round 6 , Round 7 , Round 8 , Round 9 , Round 10 & Round 11. These videos shall predominantly answer most of your existing or even upcoming queries.

This is all for this week. Please stay safe and we shall meet again next week. Bye !